In summer, when it's hot and humid, children are often fond of cooling foods like ice water, ice cream, and so on. If they can't control themselves, they will often have stomachaches. The intense heat can also make children lose their appetite, affecting their healthy growth and development. Parents should pay attention to their children's dietary issues! Please read the following "Five Dos and Five Don'ts" guidelines carefully to arrange your child's diet and nutrition.
Remember the "Five Dos"
1.Adjust the menu
In summer, with high temperatures and increased perspiration, the supply of food for children needs to be increased by 10%-15%. It is advisable to allow the child to eat a little more milk or milk products and more fresh vegetables and fruits.
If the child is not interested in eating anything, it is advisable to stimulate his visual appetite first, for example: a fresh and colorful fruit platter, a little shredded carrots on cold vegetables, green vegetable puree, orange juice, fruit puree, etc. are cool and attractive dishes.
2.Drink plenty of water
Encourage children to drink water regularly, not waiting until they are thirsty. Drinking in small amounts and multiple times is recommended. Drinking a large amount of water at once can dilute gastric acid, which is not good for digestion and sterilization. Children should not be allowed to drink too many soft drinks, as this can lead to gastrointestinal inflammation,indigestion, and anorexia.
3.Keep the taste light and balanced in nutrition
Various colorful porridge can be made with high-protein foods such as tofu, milk, and vegetables and fruits. For example, green bean porridge and red date porridge are easy to eat and nutritious, and can stimulate children's appetite. In fact, children's dietary tastes are often influenced by their parents. When cooking, try to balance the nutritional needs of children, avoiding overly spiced or greasy dishes that only cater to personal tastes or children's favorite foods.
4.Ensure food is fresh and clean
Food is particularly prone to spoilage in summer, so it is best to buy, cook, and eat immediately. This can better protect children's gastrointestinal health. Mothers should pay attention to the first step of purchasing high-quality fresh food. Secondly, the refrigerator is not a safe box. If food is stored for too long, it can also easily spoil.
5.Pay attention to calcium supplementation
Summer is a high-risk period for rickets in children. This is because poor appetite and reduced food intake during hot weather lead to a corresponding decrease in calcium intake from food, coupled with increased perspiration and calcium loss. The preventive measure is to eat more foods high in calcium, such as milk, soy products, dried fruits, and seafood.
Avoid the "Five Don'ts"
1.Don't skip breakfast
Many children like to sleep in during summer and combine breakfast with lunch. If the dinner or night snack provided by the mother is too rich, it can also lead to a loss of interest in breakfast. However, skipping breakfast is a very bad habit that can easily lead to stomach problems. Mothers should try to vary the options to encourage their children to enjoy breakfast.
2.Don't eat too many "junk foods"
Junk food blacklists include many tempting foods such as potato chips, cakes, ice cream, carbonated drinks, cookies, and fried rolls. These are often high in fat and sugar but low in nutrition. Regular consumption can lead to obesity and nutritional imbalances. Mothers can place more fruits, fresh vegetables, low-fat or non-fat yogurt, and homemade juice with lower sugar content than bottled juice in the refrigerator for their children to satisfy their cravings.
3.Don't eat too salty
With increased perspiration in summer and a faster loss of salt in the body, appropriate amounts of salt should be supplemented. However, excessive salt intake should not be allowed because it increases the heart's burden and may lead to hypertension in adulthood. It is worth noting that foods such as salted meat, canned meat products, and various potato chips and fries that have gone through multiple processing steps contain high levels of salt and should be avoided as much as possible.
4.Don't indulge in desserts
In summer, many children have a soft spot for desserts. If not limited, the intake of sugar will exceed the recommended limit, leading to obesity and dental caries. For the health of children, mothers should pay attention and minimize the consumption of ice pops, candies, carbonated
5. Don't eat only fruit meals
Some mothers think that fruit is rich in nutrients, can be used as the child's main meal, in fact, this is wrong. From a nutritional point of view, the human body a variety of basic nutritional needs carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, etc., are not alone to eat fruit can meet.
Long-term survival by “fruit meal”, the human endocrine system, digestive system, immune system will have a negative impact. Most of the fruits are full of sugar, long-term intake of large quantities, but also raise a “little fat” Oh!
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